- 时间:2024年07月28日 07:25:03 来源:魔法猪系统重装大师官网 人气:14117
A number of friends are eager to employ a one-click installation system, but unsure of how to do so. As a landscape artist editor, I am here to walk you through the process of installing a system using UEFI. Below is a graphic tutorial on how to perform a one-click installation, which I hope will be helpful to you.
For those of you using computers, you may be interested in learning how to install a system using UEFI. I have compiled a step-by-step guide based on my own practical experience to help you understand the process. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide on how to install a system using UEFI.
How to Install a System using UEFI: A Graphic Tutorial
To get started, insert a USB drive containing the Win10 Ghost ISO image file into your computer's USB port. Reboot your computer and, at the boot screen, use the OneKey USB startup shortcut to enter the boot menu.
UEFI Installation (Step 1)
Once in the boot menu, navigate to the UEFI:开头 item using the up and down arrow keys and press Enter to confirm your selection. This will boot your computer into the U Start Win PE system.
UEFI Installation (Step 2)
If your computer does not support UEFI startup (or if you haven't enabled it), you will not see the UEFI:开头 item and will instead see the name of your USB drive. In this case, select the USB drive and press Enter to boot into the U Start main menu.
UEFI Installation (Step 3)
Choose the C drive as the system installation drive and click the OK button.
UEFI Installation (Step 4)
Wait for the Win10 installation to begin.
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