ghost win8,小编教你怎么使用U盘安装ghost win8
- 时间:2024年08月02日 10:25:07 来源:魔法猪系统重装大师官网 人气:17080
The innovative Win8 operating system features a stunning user interface and unique operation method, making it popular among users. With the official release of Win8, many users have upgraded their systems, while others are eager to give it a try. How can you install Win8? Below, we will demonstrate how to install ghost Win8 using a USB drive.
1. Download the U Professor creation tool and install it on your computer.
2. Prepare a USB drive with a capacity of 4G or more that can be used normally.
3. Download the ghost Win8 system.
4. Set the USB drive as the bootable device in the BIOS.
After pressing the appropriate shortcut key to enter the U Professor menu, select '01' to run U Professor Win2003 PE Enhanced Edition, and press Enter. This will boot into U Professor Win2003 PE Enhanced Edition.
In U Professor Win2003 PE Enhanced Edition, double-click U Professor PE One-Click Installer.
The U Professor PE One-Click Installer will automatically recognize and extract the GHO file in the GHO directory. We just need to click the 'OK' button.
After clicking the 'OK' button, a small window will pop up asking if we want to restart the computer. We just need to click the 'Y' button, and it will automatically restart the computer.
The computer will automatically install the system until the desktop appears, indicating that the Win8 installation is complete.
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